Question for my Blog Readers…

Hi Everyone. I’ve had a bit of a respite from blogging and now I’m ready to blog again. So, now I have a question for all of you. Which types of blog posts do you find most useful?

Audio, not written

Both audio and written




Other – if you say other, please explain which kind you prefer! 🙂

Thanks so much!

7 thoughts on “Question for my Blog Readers…”

  1. Hey dude,
    Nice question, that’s exactly what I wanted to suggest you to do and make your website as well as your own efforts, revolve around the Audio mp3 learning materials.
    I Think almost 99.99% of your fans agree with that and they will surely love it.

  2. just to enumerate a few reasons:
    1.We can learn anywhere and anytime only with an mp3 player.
    2. It is the most prevailing approach of learning real english nowadays
    3. Your tone of voice is so great that it would be unfair of you if you don’t let us enjoy it while learning a lot of english stuffs!!!

  3. Well, that’s a great questions. I’ve to admit that I haven’t read everything here. I’ve to look around more closely and there are many different categories that seem all interessting.
    Nevertheless even if I need some time to discover the whole stuff I would like to answer to your question.
    What I like the most is:
    “both audio and written”

  4. Thanks Bettina. I’ll try to do more audio starting in September. My husband has an English website too. His is geared towards business English and he has little sound clips on his. I think he’s going to try to do more audio in his as well.

  5. Hum~~~~
    1. Personally, I would like to read something detailed about the differences between American and the UK. I have learned “The Society and Culture of Major English-speaking Countries”, but in which are all the same ideas i have read onling, boring.
    2. Some brief books introductions. Recently, I have been reaing “Harry Potter” in English and I find it far more interesting than reading the Chinese version I have read when I am in high school. Reading the original version makes me appreciate the beauty of English and I realized this point the first time I read “The Wild Honey Suckle” in the class of American Culture. It is the first time that I realized waht i have missed.(Better while there is not so much old English in them because which may make it difficult to read)
    3. I mean no poking into your privacy, but I like those articles written about your life.

    Wish you happy everyday. Your are really thoughtfull and warmhearted.

  6. Thanks so much for your input Nicole! I appreciate it! My husband is British and Canadian so he can help me with comparisons. I think you are right that it would make for interesting reading! Thanks so much! And also, I love to write about myself, so that will be easy to do for me! 🙂

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