The longest word in English is the word “smiles” because it has a ‘mile’ between the 2 s’s. Okay, okay that was a bad joke.
The 3rd longest word in English has 189,819 letters and it is the name of a type of protein. Here is a snippet of the word:
The 2nd longest word in English has 2,087,214 letters and means ‘girl’. Here is part of the word:
The longest word in English has 3,609,750 letters and means the current day or the day between the real day and an imaginative day. Here is part of the word:
I found this information on this site: . I have to admit I think the longest word and the 2nd longest words are not as real as the 3rd longest because they were coined by writers. So, to me, it almost feels like they were cheating. 🙂 What do you think?