Using your English at the Dentist

No one likes going to the dentist (well maybe you do, but I don’t), but we all have to go at one time or another. I’ve put together some phrases to help you explain your potential problems to the dentist.

I have a toothache.

My tooth is loose.

My teeth are sensitive to cold or to sweets. (This means they hurt a little when you drink something cold or eat something sweet.)

My filling came out. (A filling is the silver or white part that a dentist puts in your tooth when you have a cavity.)

My crown fell off. (A crown is usually porcelain these days and covers the entire tooth.)

My wisdom teeth are coming in and they hurt. (Wisdom teeth are the teeth in the very back of your mouth. Many people have these removed before they come out. I got mine out when I was 19 years old.)

I chipped my tooth! (This means that a little piece of your tooth broke off.)

What dentist could say back to you:

You need to floss your teeth more.

You should use mouthwash every day.

I need to extract your tooth. (He needs to pull out a tooth.)

Would you like laughing gas? (laughing gas = nitrous oxide and relaxes you while you have your procedure done. It’s called laughing gas because it can make you laugh or giggle.

You have gingivitis.

Your gums are very red.

Maybe you need a root canal.

2 thoughts on “Using your English at the Dentist”

  1. I didn’t know the name of the cover on my tooth that is called “filling” until I read your post. I learned again from you!

    One of my fillings sometimes comes out, so “My filling came out” is really useful for me, but I’d rather not go the the dentist. 😀 I really don’t like the sounds that we hear in the dental clinick.

    BTW, do you ever use these expressions, treat or drill in the tooth(a decayed tooth)?

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