Using Capital Letters in English

All languages capitalize different words. As an English learner you should try to remember when to use a capital letter. Here are some places where you capitalize words:

1. At the beginning of a sentence.

My dog is tired and hungry.

2. The word ‘I’.

You and I are best buds.

3. The first letter of people’s names:

My name is Yvonne Crawford.

4. Cities, states, countries, continents or major geographic locations.

I live in Charleston, South Carolina.

5. Days of the week and months.

Today is Thursday, March 11th.

6. At the beginning of the letter and at the end of a letter.

Dear Sally,

Love, Yvonne

7. Languages and nationalities.

French is spoken by the French.

8. Holiday, religious holidays, religious scripture and religious dieties.

A lot of Christians like to celebrate Christmas.

9. Titles of people

Mrs., Mr., Capt., Sister, etc.

10. Capitalize the first letter of all of the words in a title of a book, movie, article and other similar items. Except, do not capitalize prepositions, articles or conjunctions (unless they are at the beginning of the title).

The King and I

11 thoughts on “Using Capital Letters in English”

  1. Thanks so much for this, teacher! It’s very useful!
    I kind of needed a lesson about this, actually lol.

    As always, I have questions, too:

    At the end you say not to capitalize prepositions, articles, or conjunctions, so, that’s why you don’t capitalize “the” on the title “the English Guru” there on top of the site?

    But…shouldn’t you capitalize articles when they are the beginning or first word of a title like in the “The King and I” example you wrote there?

    I’m a bit confused haha.

  2. Exactly – You are correct. If the article is the first word, then you capitalize it! I’ll update the post so that it makes more sense! 🙂

  3. As for the English Guru – English Guru would be my title like Captain. So, It would be English Guru Yvonne Crawford or Captain Aelphaeis. Thus, ‘the’ wouldn’t need to be capitalized. You are so good at English! I’m always so impressed!

  4. Thanks teacher! But actually I think I have LOTS of improvement to do still, in fact, learning English (and ANYTHING else) is a never-ending process. As long as you live, there’s always improvement to be made! Or at least that’s what I think.

  5. And thanks for the explanation! It definitely made it clearer 🙂

    So that means “the” on “the English Guru” on top of the site there could also be capitalized and it would be the exact same thing, right?

  6. Personally, I think it could be either way. Because you an see it as a title of a website “The English Guru” or as my title the English Guru. Here it is preference here. And either way it means the same thing.

  7. So do I! But, my husband made my site, so I guess his preference is lower case for ‘the’. LOL! See you on twitter!

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