Different ways to say you are sad in English

There are lots of different ways to say you are sad in English. Here are a few of the more common ways to say it. As always, leave a comment if you have any questions!

I’m sad.
I’m disappointed.
I’m tired. – some people say they are tired, when they are really sad.
I’m bummed. – slang
I’m down.
I’m down in the dumps.
I’m miserable. (This is pretty sad.)
I’m unhappy.
I’m blue.
I’m gloomy.
I’m glum.
I’m depressed. (This is very sad.)
I’m troubled.
I’m tearful.
I’m disheartened.

Being Sick

Here are some expressions to use when you aren’t feeling so well. It’s important to learn these in case you are traveling abroad and you need someone to help you.

I’m under the weather.
I’m feeling run down.
I’m sick. or I’m ill.
I’m coming down with something.
I caught a cold.
I have a cold. or I have a virus. or I have the flu. (Notice you use ‘the’ with flu and ‘a’ with cold and virus.)
I have a headache.
My head is throbbing.
I have a stomach ache.
I’m nauseated.
I just vomited. or I just threw up.
I can’t keep any food down.
I have a runny nose.
My nose is running.
I’m congested. or I’m stopped up.
I have fever. or I have a temperature.
My temperature is 104 degrees F.
I have chills.
I have aches and pains.
I’m dizzy.
I feel faint.

Please leave me a comment if you have any questions about any of these expressions.

Lie or Lay???

Do you know what the difference is between ‘lie’ and ‘lay’?

Lie means “to recline”. It’s an intransitive verb which means it does not take a direct object.

I am lying on the bed.

Lay means “to put” or “to place”. It’s a transitive verb which means it takes a direct object.

I am laying the shirt on the table.

There is one tricky part, the past tense of ‘lie’ is ‘lay’. Also, the past tense of ‘lay’ is ‘laid’. So, you have to be careful which you use.

Also, remember that ‘lie’ also has another meaning and that meaning is “to not tell the truth”.

I’m pooped – ways to say I’m Tired in English

It’s important to expand you vocabulary and learn new ways to say thing same thing. Instead of saying, “I’m tired” all of the time when you feel tired try:

I’m beat.
I’m exhausted.
I’m pooped.
I’m worn out.
I’m done.
I’m sleepy.
I’m spent.
I’m flat out tired.
I’m dead on my feet.
I’m running on empty.
I’m running on fumes.
I’m fatigued.
I’m tired out.
I’m weary.
I’m dog tired.
I’m tired to the bone.
I’m knackered.
I’m dragging.

Saying “I’m sorry!”

Saying “I’m sorry” is a useful phrase to know in any language. In this post, I will teach you a few other ways of saying, “I’m sorry.”

I’m so sorry.
I’m very sorry.
Excuse me.
Pardon me.
Please forgive me.
I regret what I did or I regret what I have done.
I wish I could change things.
I’m sorry for your loss. (You can use this when someone dies.)
I owe you an apology.
I apologize.
I’m sorry to hear that. (You can use this when someone tells you bad news, like they lost their job.)
Opps or Whoops, sorry
My bad. (Slang – teenagers use it a lot.)

And guys – if you are saying sorry to your girlfriend or wife, make sure you bring some flowers. Flowers are a good way of saying, “I’m sorry!”

Giving Compliments

In American society it is very normal and nice to give compliments to friends or to anyone. Women especially love to hear compliments. (I know I do.) Here are a few expressions and situations that might help you learn when and how to give compliments.

Friend to Friend:
You can give compliments on clothing or other things.
“I love your sweater, where did you buy it?” – You ask where did you buy it not because you want to go out and buy the exact same one, but more out of interest.

“Your hair looks great, did you style it differently?”
“Wow, you look great. Have you been exercising?” or “You look really fit. Have you lost weight?” – You have to be careful with these. You don’t want to offend the person by implying that they are overweight or that they never exercised before. I also think that a man shouldn’t say these to women, because the woman might be offended.

“You’re my best friend.” “You’re sweet!” “You’re the greatest!” “You’re the best” – These are used when you want to comment on someone’s personality and how they act towards you. Or perhaps they just did you a favor.

“Your presentation was wonderful!” “I love the book you wrote.” “These cookies you made are delicious!”

Parents to children or teachers to children:
“I’m so impressed with you!” “Wow, look what you did!” “I’m so proud of you.” “You did great!” “Way to go”

Children to parents and teachers:
“You are a wonderful mom/dad! I love you!”
“You are my favorite teacher.” “I’m glad I’m in your class.”

Man to a women:
“Your eyes are beautiful.” “You are so gorgeous.” “Your hair is so silky.” “You have a beautiful complexion.”

Women to men:
“You’re handsome.” “You are so hot!” “You’re good-looking!”

Responses to compliments:
Thank you (so much)
That’s so kind of you to say so.
I’m glad you like (liked) it.
It was nothing.

Beach Vocabulary

I went to the beach the last 2 days and I took some pictures in order to teach some English beach vocabulary! It’s useful because Spring is just around the corner!

The beaches I went to were on Isle of Palms and Sullivan’s Island. This first pictures is a group of beach toys for playing in the sand. There are some buckets (or pails depending on where you live in the United States), shovels, a rake, sand castle molds and more. Here is a picture of my finished sand castle. Not a bad job, not a great job either. Here is a picture of a sand dollar that my son and husband found on Isle of Palms. Here is a picture of a seashell. There are oodles and oodles of perfect seashells on both beaches!My house is the one in the middle! (Okay, only in my dreams!) These are beachfront houses. Only worth a several million each. You can see the sand dunes too (the grassy part). We are not allowed to walk on the dunes because they protect the beach from eroding. Here are some sea gulls. This is a picture of a working lighthouse. It’s not your normal shape of a lighthouse, which makes it unique.

Here is the beginning of the sunset. A beautiful ending to a beautiful weekend!

Abbreviations in English

Here is a list of some of the most used abbreviations in English.

FYI – For Your Information

IMO – In My Opinion

IMHO – In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO – In My Not So Humble Opinion

ROFL – Roll On Floor Laughing

ROFLMAO – Roll On Floor Laughing My Bum Off (Not really Bum, but you can guess what it is.)

LMAO – Laugh my Bum off (Same as above)

DH – Dear Husband

DW – Dear Wife

DD – Dear Daughter

DS – Dear Son

TTFN – Ta Ta For Now (Just a way to say good-bye)

VIP – Very Important Person

BRB – Be Right Back

BTW – By The Way

w/ – with

w/o – without

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

LOL – Laugh Out Loud

OMG – Oh My God

TTYL – Talk To You Later

BTDT – Been there Done That

EOB – End of Business (the end of the work day)

EOD – End of Day

HTH – Hope This Helps

MPH – Mile Per Hour

WTF – What the *beep*

ASAP – As Soon As Possible

JK – Just Kidding

JJ – Just Joking

TGIF – Thank God It’s Friday

Ex . – Example

Etc. – Et cetera (Latin) (It means: and so on or and other things)

i.e. – id est (Latin) (It means: that is or in other words)

e.g. – exempli gratia (Latin) (It means: for the sake of example or simply for example)

A Little Slang for the Soul

Time for a wee bit of slang! I know some teachers don’t like to teach slang, but the fact is a lot of English speakers use slang, so it’s important to learn some. And I think it’s fun to learn.

kick back – relax
After a hard day at work, I like to kick back and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate.

rock – to be great
You rock! (This is an expression a lot of people use. It means they are happy with what you just did or something you are about to do.)

goofed up – to mess up/make a mistake
I goofed up when I wrote a tweet today; I spelled a word wrong.

John – toliet
Hey, where’s the John?

catch some rays – to lay out in the sun and try to get a sun tan
After lunch, I’m going to the pool to catch some rays!

nuts – crazy
That guy just went swimming and it’s freezing outside. He’s nuts!

peeps – people/friends
I’m going to call up my peeps and see if they want to go to the movies.

umpteen – many
I asked my son umpteen times to please clean his room. (This is true!)

gut – stomach
Oh man, that guy just hit me in my gut!

Oh man – to be surprised about something
Oh man, I can’t believe I just lost that game.

An American Grocery Store

I decided to take some pictures of an American grocery store today. You can say supermarket or grocery store. They mean pretty much the same thing. Where I live grocery store is said much more frequently though.Here is the entrance to the grocery store. They usually have weekly specials at the front of the store.

This is a picture of the produce area. Produce is fruits and vegetables. Here you can see potatoes and onions.
Here is another view of the produce area. You can see different kinds of squash and other vegetables. Here is a picture of the frozen food aisle. You can see my daughter pointing to something she wants me to buy for her.This is a frozen dinner. It has everything you need for a complete meal for 1 person. This one has fried chicken, potatoes, corn and even a dessert – chocolate cake. These are usually put into the microwave and heated for about 10 minutes.
Here is a child version of a frozen dinner. It has chicken nuggets, corn, macaroni and cheese and a dessert. (This was what my daughter was pointing to in one of the pictures above. No, I didn’t buy it for her.)
This is the junk food aisle. There are tons and tons of chips! This is the candy aisle. Tons of yummy chocolate candy bars! The seasonal section is at the front of the store where you checkout. Since Easter is coming, the they are selling chocolate bunnies, stuffed animals and other Easter items.