Someone asked me on my facebook account what the difference was between route, root and rout. I thought I’d answer that question here.
Route – A route is a road or a highway. One day I’d like to travel on Route 66. Also, route could be a particular way one travels. The mailman takes the same route every day.
Root – Root means to cheer someone on. The cheerleaders rooted for the football players.
Root is also the bottom part of a plant that is under the ground. The root of the plant soaks up the water.
Root beer is a type of soft drink that happens to be my favorite drink. Even though ‘beer’ is in the word, it is not alcoholic.
Rout – Rout means a riot, huge defeat or a fight after a big defeat.
There are also a few other less used definitions for these words, but these are the most used, in my opinion.
Thanks for mentioning that you w-rote 3 ro– words.
We can see a can of coffee called “Roots” in the vending machine. I’m not sure the name whether it means to cheer up someone or the root of the plant.
But actually, it’s a soft drink. LOL
Route & Root also are computer vocabulary !
Good point Greg! The root directory is one I use quite often.
Interesting. We don’t have that coffee here. Maybe we do, but I don’t drink coffee. 🙂