Similes in English

A simile is when you compare 2 unlike things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. You can make a simile out of anything; however, here are some of the more common ones that I hear quite often:

He’s as busy as a beaver.

It’s as clear as mud.

It’s as easy as pie.

It’s as flat as a pancake.

She’s as mad as a hornet.

That’s as pretty as a picture.

It’s as smooth as silk.

It’s as white as snow.

She’s as wise as an owl.

He’s as blind as a bat.

It’s as big as a boat.

He fights like a lion.

She swims like a fish.

And my person favorite: He’s as bald as a baby’s bottom.

Please leave me a comment if you have a question about any of these! Or make up your own simile and let me know what it is!

4 thoughts on “Similes in English”

  1. Yes, you could use it instead of like. Sorry it took so long to respond to you. I’m finally getting caught up after my vacation!

  2. No problem! I can guess easily that you had a great time with your lovely family! 🙂
    And I got it. Thank you, Yvonne. 🙂

    And then, if you have some free time, I’d like you to post about the words “every” and “each” because I’m not sure what the difference is between the two. For instance, I know that “I brush my teeth every day” is right, but I don’t know if “The festival is held every year” is correct. I want to know how to use the word each.

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